Coffee To Go: Self-Service Solutions For Your Business

Our Coffee To Go solutions at Absolute Drinks are ideal for businesses such as convenience stores, newsagents, petrol stations, post offices and other small stores.
Our bespoke packages are made to suit your business' needs perfectly. Choose from a range of our instant and bean to cup coffee machines, as well as a selection of stations, towers, base units and cabinets. 

Having a self service coffee station can be just what your business needs...


1. Coffee is always in high demand and as it increases in popularity, the more people care about the quality and standard. By offering high quality coffee to your customers, you will top your competitors and even attract coffee 'snobs' too. This creates a great lasting impression for your brand too. The last thing you want to be remembered for is selling awful, low quality coffee. The sour taste in your customers' mouths won't just be from the coffee!

2. Coffee To Go solutions in your business will create more opportunity for add-on sales. People would usually come in for one or two things but your Coffee To Go station will attract their attention. Thanks to the selection of hot drinks you can offer, even if your customers are not coffee lovers they have the choice of tea or hot chocolate. This is a simple product which will quickly increase your profits meaning your machine will pay for itself!

3. Our machines are very user-friendly whether its an instant or bean to cup coffee machine. This means your customers can get their drink in under a minute at the push of a button. Self-service means there will be no need to interrupt your staff serving at the till. You can opt for a coin/card system on a selection of our machines too which will speed up the queue and ensure every cup is being paid for. This makes it ideal for the fast paced and on-the-go lifestyle many people have nowadays.

4. Coffee appeals to a huge audience, with Brits drinking approx. 95 million cups of it a DAY! Getting your foot in the door of the coffee industry is always a great opportunity to attract more customers and more money. As the pandemic has resulted in so many coffee shops and cafes closing, both temporarily and permanently, unfortunately the majority of people have no one to get their daily coffee fix. Take advantage of this and offer coffee shop quality coffee for your customers so they don't have to resort to making it themselves at home by investing in a Coffee To Go station in your business!

5. Your staff will need little training in regards to cleaning and refilling your coffee to go station. Our coffee machines have inbuilt cleaning processes which are done with the push of a button - it's really that simple. Doing this every night will flush through the pipes to prevent blockages and to lengthen your machine's life. Restocking the ingredients is super easy too, the hardest part is remembering to keep it filled up!


After reading this, you may decide offering self-service coffee is something your business needs. From here, you need to choose your Coffee To Go station. 

The Absolute Drinks' reps are here to help you with any queries you may have and we will put together a bespoke package to fit all your requirements perfectly. Check out our Coffee To Go page with information on what we offer and how you can personalise your choice too!

Here are some examples of our recent Coffee To Go installations...

Coffee To Go Station installations by Absolute Drinks


For more information or any advice on our Coffee To Go solutions for your business, check out our Coffee To Go page and contact us here or call us on 01942 607 634.